Javier Milei announces breakup with girlfriend

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By Equipo editorial

Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, announced that he broke up with his girlfriend, actress Fátima Florez, with whom he had started a relationship during the 2023 electoral process, the president reported on his X account during his tour in the United States.

Oh, it’s a good thing.

The Argentine presidential candidate for the alliance La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei . (Photo Free Press: AFP)

The Argentine presidential candidate for the alliance La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei . 

“We decided to end our relationship and maintain a bond of friendship given what we feel for each other and how much we love each other, respect and admire each other,” Milei wrote on X on Friday night, concluding eight months of romance.

Among the reasons for the breakup, Milei stressed that Florez received numerous offers to work in the United States and Europe, and that this, together with his presidential work, has led them to live apart, making it impossible for the relationship of couple they would like to have.

While Milei breaks with Florez, while meeting with his favorite businessman, tycoon Elon Musk, in the United States, the government environment suffers another break: that of his political front, La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

On Thursday, the official deputy Oscar Zago announced the creation of an interlock in the Chamber of Deputies of LLA, after his displacement as head of the block for an altercation with the president of the House, also of LLA, Martín Menem.

Among his public memories, Florez and Milei have several visits that the president made to the theatrical shows of the artist, some lunches with the emblematic television conductor Mirtha Legrand, and specific protocol acts of the president.

The relationship between the two had been formalized in August 2023, after Argentina’s primary elections, but they had begun to frequent about 40 days earlier, as they themselves clarified on television.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in La Estrella