Guatemalan Forum calls for respect for the renewal of the CSJ and Courts of Appeal

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By Equipo editorial

The 16 organizations and academic sectors that make up Guatemala hope that legal action against the process will be resolved objectively.

Congress convened the nomination commissions in April for the renewal of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) and Courts of Appeals. Constitutional renewal that should happen on October 13 and that the organizations that make up Foro Guatemala hope will be respected.

In 2019, when the constitutional period of the previous judiciary expired, the Courts were not renewed and the delay was extended for four years. This scenario should not be repeated, in the opinion of the social and academic sectors.

The current application fee process already accumulates five amparo actions. They question the convening process, the call and until the time the call was made to the nomination commissions.

The legal actions have been brought before the Constitutional Court (CC), the highest judiciary that will have to define the fate of the renewal of the judiciary.

Eduardo Stein, former vice president and member of the Association of Research and Social Studies (Asíes), which is part of Foro Guatemala, believes that more non-conformity actions will be presented than those seen so far.

That the legal remedies, which will surely be raised during the process, be resolved in a way that the Constitution is always protected. Mainly, giving priority to respect for clearly established deadlines, he said.

For his part, Álvaro Pop, of the Naleb organization, considers it crucial that the relay of authorities be respected in time. That according to the Constitution, it marks the beginning of the new judicial judiciary on 13 October.

“The invitation is to the commissions, to all the operators, to comply with the law, to comply with the constitutional principles, that we be able to carry and land the dreams of millions of Guatemalans,” Pop said.

The Guatemala Forum also stressed respect for constitutional deadlines, which is not prudent at this time that efforts be made to reform the Law on Nostuling Commissions, as this could bring additional challenges to the process of renewal of the Courts.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Prensa Libre