Guatemalan constitutional court protects Attorney General

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By Equipo editorial

The judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Guatemala granted an amparo to the Attorney General, María Consuelo Porras Argueta, who had gone to that instance for what he called a “real, certain and imminent threat” on the part of President Bernardo Arévalo.

This conclusion was reached by the high court by a majority of four votes in favour and one reasoned, before the president, Bernardo Arévalo, announced the presentation of a bill to reform the Organic Law of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

With this initiative, Arévalo seeks to remove Porras Argueta from the head of the investigating entity on the grounds that it affects democracy. At the same time, the CC, in its resolution, does not mention the presentation of the initiative presented by Arévalo to Congress to be stopped.

This is not the first time that the CC judges favor the Attorney General, since in 2022, they granted him amparo to be included in the list of candidates for attorney general.

According to the transcended ones, the CC order seeks to “respect the republican system and the alternability of power according to the Constitution,” as well as “avoid actions outside the legal framework that affect the mandate of the autonomy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office” and “guarantee the necessary support for the role of the MP, including access to funds and resources for investigations.”

In addition, the amparo also goes against the threat of the Attorney Genzeral, Julio Saavedra, and that this “is going to go beyond its functions,” instructed by President Arévalo and onf own initiative, to file unfounded complaints against her, “in violation of legality and due process.”

This article has been translated from the original which first appeered in TeleSurTV