CMI invests $8.1M in new poultry farm in Chiquimulilla

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By Equipo editorial

As part of the growth and investment strategy, and in line with its purpose of improving the food issue in the country, it was presented We feed your world to fill it with well-being, from CMI Alimentos, a group of Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI), thus inaugurating a new poultry farm in Chiquimulilla, Santa Rosa.

This investment provides the capacity to accommodate more than 500 thousand birds representing more than 1.4 million pounds of chicken per month, thus contributing to the food security of the region. At the same time, the new farm has generated 18 direct jobs that promote local development.

The farm was designed for saving diesel, gas, electricity and water. According to Sergio Sevilla, director of livestock operations CMI, the technology used on the site saves more than 50% of LP gas consumption, more than 25% in electricity consumption and up to 20% less water consumption.


As part of the responsibility of CMI for sustainable development, it has launched more projects, including one of immediate reforestation of the area, with a first phase in 2024-2025, which will cover more than 5,800 M2 with trees and which plans to triple the area within approximately 4 years.

It is also important to add that there are all the regulations stipulated by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) in the treatment of water, productive waste, etc., according to Carlos Chacón, director of business Guatemala, meat solutions CMI.

In this way, clean, careful and environmentally friendly production is guaranteed.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Lahora