Air traffic up 7.6% in Latin America and the Caribbean 

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By Equipo editorial

In January, 44,7 million passengers were transported in, to and from the region, highlights the Passenger Traffic Report.

2024 began with good wings. Passenger traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean grew 7.6% in January this year, an increase that translates into almost 3 million additional passengers compared to January 2023. This figure exceeded not only the volume of passengers from January 2023, but also the peak recorded in July last year.

In January, 44,7 million passengers were transported in, from and to the region, highlights the Passenger Traffic Report, prepared by the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA).

This month’s report reflects a spectacular start to the year. The increase in flight frequencies and the capacity offered in both the domestic and international markets underline the continued growth potential of our countries in terms of essential service.

These data indicate that 2024 is shaping up to be a promising year for the region, said José Ricardo Botelho, executive director and CEO of ALTA.

Seat supply also grew, reaching 51.2 million seats available, 5% more compared to 2023.

Highlights growth in theinternational market, with an increase in15.7%, while the domestic market saw a 3.5% reduction.

The positive figures for January passenger traffic are not only an indicator of a booming sector, but also a call for attention on the importance of promoting aviation development in our region.

These data reflect an encouraging picture, however, in order to fully capitalize on this positive momentum, it is essential to establish an enabling environment that provides legal certainty, predictability and competitiveness necessary for the continued growth of aviation.

These figures are a reminder that aviation is not only a means of transport, but also a vital industry that requires attention and support to thrive and contribute fully to the progress of our region, Botelho recalls.

Venezuela stood out as one of the countries with the highest growth in the domestic market. With a move of 199,291 passengers, it reached a 36 per cent rise compared to 2023.

For its part, Chile experienced a significant 21% increase in domestic traffic, adding 1.7 million passengers.

Brazil registered a movement of 8.1 million passengers, reaching 98% of the volume of traffic observed in the same period of 2023. Colombia’s domestic market, for its part, grew 2% compared to 2023, transporting a total of 2.8 million passengers, a slight slowdown compared to December, when there was a 4% growth.

Mexico experienced a 3% decrease in the total number of passengers transported, reaching 4.8 million. This figure points to a continuation of the slowdown trend, following a 1% reduction in the domestic market observed in December.

“Since June 2023, the Mexican domestic market has faced challenges due to inspections required for GTF engines, which has resulted in the temporary immobilization of some aircraft while reviews are carried out. In addition, following Mexico’s recent return to Category 1 by the FAA, local airlines have been able to increase the capacity offered to the United States, reflecting an effort to expand their presence and services in this important market,” explains the report.

The increase in international traffic in the region was also notable, with a 14% increase, which represents 20.3 million passengers. Venezuela again stood out in this area with an increase of 58%, with Caracas-Madrid (33%) being the route with the highest growth. Colombia also demonstrated significant growth by transporting 1.9 million international passengers, an increase of 30% compared to January 2023, and 457,939 additional passengers.

Brazil, in the same way, experienced a 26% increase in international passengers, reaching 2.3 million.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Panama America