Will Canuciana Sandoval compete to be the next Miss El Salvador 2024?

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By Equipo editorial

Now that Miss Universe rules have removed age limits, fans clamor for Luciana.

Throughout her career as a presenter of Salvadoran TV, Luciana Sandovalhas received the same question:Why wasn’t it Miss El Salvador?And while that possibility seemed to have been far behind, the new edition of Miss Universe would be the perfect opportunity for the Salvadoran blonde at the age of 43.

And it’s that from this edition,Miss UniverseIt breaks the age schemes, accepting the participation of women of all ages, but also married, divorced or mothers, both in the universal contest – which will be in November, in Mexico – and in its various national competitions.

Currently, she is co-presenter of TCS’s “Liberded” program and, on a personal level, lives her second marriage to the lawyer Marden de León.

Luciana is not only loved by Salvadorans through the programs ofSalvadoran Telecorporation (TCS)but also brings together a sufficient preparation as a public figure and influencer, dancer, model and even beauty queen- She was elected Girl of the Year in 1998, at the age of 17. So today social media rumors her possible participation in Miss El Salvador, an event of which she has been a presenter on several occasions.

“Up how long it took for her to represent us, excellent beauty, intelligence and experience,” “Oh my God. This woman looks spectacular for the age she is,” “Luciana is a very successful woman from our country and is incredibly everything she has achieved,” “Easily Luciana Sandoval would only bring,” reads the comments in TikTok.

If Luciana Sandoval decides to participate, she will face young people like Luciana Martínez, and a possible new participation of Fatima Cuéllar. Netizens also ask for the participation of presenter Irene Castillo, but she is currently busy planning her wedding with also animator Pepe Barahona.

This article has been translated after first appearing in Diario El Mundo