Navarre: Illegal migration through Darién must end

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By Equipo editorial

The Minister-designate of the Environment referred to the impact that migrants leave in this important park, as well as the expansion of the Canal basin.

A broad agenda is ahead of the Minister-designate of the Environment, Juan Carlos Navarro, for whom protecting the Darién National Park from the effects of illegal migration is one of the priority points.

This Thursday, during his presentation as head of the environmental portfolio, Navarro was emphatic in pointing out that illegal migration has to stop dry.

“We must close the border of Darién, which stops destroying the National Park. I agree to stop illegal dry migration and do everything we have to do for it,” Navarro said.

The appointed minister stressed that he still has no concrete reports of environmental damage, but what is in Darién is a humanitarian and environmental disaster.

He added that once he knows the information in detail and slows the flow of migrants, the goal will point to the recovery of the devastated areas.

Navarro also referred to the expansion of the Canal watershed, which in his opinion cannot be postponed anymore.

In this sense, he stressed that the Canal currently operates at 60 per cent capacity, which represents loss of money, so necessary for the construction of schools, aqueducts and garbage management.

“This silver that we need for our quality of life has to continue producing the Panama Canal and for this we must number one again give the legal protection to the Canal basin, infecting the expanded basin of Río Indio and Coclé del Norte. Second proceed immediately with the decision to expand the Canal, consulting the affected communities to do things right and with as much conflict as possible,” he said.

With regard to the copper mine, Navarro said that an orderly closure should be sought that generates the least impact possible on nature.

The new minister stressed that his position will always be to defend nature and resources to contribute to the recovery of Panama.

Navarro also clarified that he arrives at the Ministry of the Environment without political flags and willing to work in a government of national unity.

“I didn’t expect this (to be Minister of the Environment). Today I assume my duty to defend nature, creation, biodiversity and forests, which are the basis of a better life for Panamans. Behind is the political campaign. I ask for everyone’s help,” he added. 

This article has been translated after first appearing in Pan America