Venezuelan workers march in support of Maduro and Against U.S. sanctions

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By Equipo editorial

Venezuelan workers from the different regions of the country marched Wednesday in the city of Caracas, in support of President Nicolas Maduro’s government and against U.S. sanctions.

Interviewed by the official Venezuelan television network, the worker Edgar Villanueva, from the state of Cojedes (center), said he was marching against U.S. sanctions that are harming the working class and its purchasing power.

Villanueva said that May 1 is also a date to remember the Labor Law, passed 12 years ago during the government of former President Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) and said that business sectors want to reform this law according to stealing social benefits from us.

In turn, Carlos Moreno, from Delta Amacuro (east), said that the workers continue to support our president who has stood firm with all the difficulties that our country has gone through.

Meanwhile, the teacher of the National Union Unitarian Magisterial Force (Sinafum), Martha Rodriguez, told the television station that “no one gives up here, we continue in the struggle,” referring to the teachers who go to the streets for the consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Earlier in the day, President Maduro expressed on social media his congratulations on the occasion of International Workers’ Day.

Happy Working People’s Day. We have plenty of reasons to celebrate, we are a river grown from faith, consciousness, constancy and homeland love. “Today the country stands on the humanist and socialist values we build and defend,” Maduro wrote.

In the Plaza Venezuela sector of Caracas there was also a mobilization of workers called by trade union groups opposed to the Venezuelan government.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeered in El Pais