Colombia works on an alternative to Panama Canal

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By Equipo editorial

The project seeks to improve connectivity in cargo and passenger transport, as well as economically reactivate the region of Darién Chocoano.

The Colombian government is already making progress on the ambitious Turbo-Cupica train project to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, with the aim of offering a competitive alternative to the currently congested Panama Canal.

According to reports from the Transport Infrastructure Planning Unit (Upit) revealed by Cambio magazine, this project is in a phase of pre-feasibility, denoting a firm step towards its realization.

This plan not only seeks to improve connectivity and efficiency in the transport of cargo and passengers, but also economically reactivate the region of the Darién Chocoano.

The magazine adds that the initiative aims to build a double-track railway line covering 198.6 kilometers, with 11.12 kilometers of tunnels and 132.3 kilometers in viaduct, which would be designed to withstand the passage of 16 trains a day.

It also includes the development of two specialized ports and the operation of marine containers, one in the Bay of Cupica and the other in the Gulf of Urabá (Puerto Antioquia).

The latter with a major execution breakthrough and would be ready to start operations in 2025.

According to the report, this strategic project promotes and boosts the growth of the Chocó department and, in addition, promotes the development of a sustainable infrastructure that reduces the impacts on natural capital, respects strategic ecosystems and biodiversity.

The report also highlights that the development of the interoceanic fierce canal, the port in the Darién Chocoano and in Cupica are an opportunity to mitigate bottlenecks on global maritime trade routes.

The first pre-feasibility studies would be ready before the end of 2024.

The most significant challenge is still the feasibility, which will determine the final designs for the construction of the train, which they have already projected that it could be operational by 2050.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Panama American