lawmakers approve issuing debt of up to $1 billion: El Salvador

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By Equipo editorial

The initiative at the request of the presidential house is to enter into different and emerging general obligations of the State.

The deputies of New Ideas and their allies approved yesterday with 61 votes in favor of the Executive, through the branch of Finance, to issue securities up to $1 billion.

Come on, Our Time, Arena and the FMLN voted against it.

The initiative to acquire more debt of up to $1 billion argues that considering meeting different and emerging general state obligations is important to take the necessary steps, to obtain financing.

– – … It is appropriate to authorize the Executive Body in the treasury branch, to issue securities of credit worth up to $1 billion, establishes the decree and can be sought in national and international markets.

Congressman Giovanny Zaldaña defended the placement of this new debt by ensuring that this type of operation was already planned to be carried out, according to the projection that had been made in the general budget of the nation, due to the large and important amount of projects that are currently being carried out in our country and it is always necessary to have the necessary funds, to continue carrying out in our country and it is always necessary to have the necessary funds to continue carrying out the projects or any emerging needs in the future.

Critic Reviews.

The deputy of Vamos, Claudia Ortiz, questioned not only the approval of more debt, but the initiative entered the plenary with a procedure waiver, and without being analyzed in committee.

It is the cherry of the cake this authorization to place a debt on the domestic or international market through securities of up to $1 billion, Ortiz said.

This type of decision is a good example of what should happen to committee and not approve it in this way that is clearly behind the population, without discussion, without access to the right information to make a responsible decision and big questions arise and the most serious thing is that although the fellow Member (Zaldaña) said our country is a reference point for a growing economy, it is not so, the truth is that our country is being placed at the international level with a high financial risk, Ortiz questioned.

The initiative had 55 NI votes, two from Gana, one from the CPN, one from the PDC and two independents.

The data

According to the Executive’s initiative, this new debt is needed to – place different and emerging general obligations of the Deed, according to the decree approved.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Diario El Mundo