Nicaragua and Russia sign security agreements

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By Equipo editorial

Nicaragua’s presidential adviser for Investment, Trade and International Cooperation, Laureano Ortega Murillo, reported on Wednesday that a series of cooperation agreements were signed with Russia, which were suggested to strengthen police activity, among other areas.

Several government officials participated in Nicaragua, Army General Julio César Avilés Castillo, commander-in-chief of the Nicaraguan Army; as well as the first commissioner and director general of the National Police, Francisco Javier Díaz Madriz.

“The agreement has been signed between the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua, our National Police and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Interior, on cooperation in the field of retraining and professional improvement of personnel in the field of police activity; and the memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Nicaragua and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of legal regulation of the activities of non-profit organizations,” said Ortega Murillo.

During the visit of the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Pátrushev, to Nicaragua, agreements were reached between Moscow and Managua for the period 2024-2026. During this visit, the creation of a mechanism aimed at strengthening the sovereignty of Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia was proposed.

During February 27 and 28, Pátrushev held a series of meetings with representatives of these Latin American countries in the Nicaraguan capital. During the joint conference with President Daniel Ortega, Pátrushev stressed the importance of extending existing agreements with Nicaragua to areas such as defense, technical-military cooperation and the economic-social sphere.

“For our peoples to live in security, so that sovereignty, independence, we must pay a lot of attention on a permanent basis to these issues (…) we visit the Training Center of the Russian Ministry of the Interior (in Managua) and I think it is very useful, not only for Nicaragua, but also for other Latin American countries and for our country as well,” Pátrushev said.

“At the initiative of General Pátrushev, an economic and commercial team from the Russian Federation has also come as part of the delegation and Nicaragua representatives of the Central Bank of Nicaragua, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit have participated, among others, Ortega Murillo added.

The Russian secretary announced that the follow-up to security agreements with representatives of Latin American countries will take place during the Security Affairs meeting to be held from 23 to 25 April in St. Petersburg.

“During the meetings each party expressed interest in the development of cooperation in the field of information security, this issue will be one of the main topics we will address in St. Petersburg in April. Many companies, many institutions, especially in the field of security, in the field of defense will participate in this event,” said Pátrushev.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega welcomed the visit of the Secretary of the Russian Security Council to Managua and stressed the consensus of unity to strengthen Latin American countries in the face of aggression from the West.

“Uniteness is our path and unity (on) issues that were addressed at this meeting and here we have not come to address a plan to invade the United States or to go against NATO or the Israeli government, here we have come to work on a plan to defend our peoples and that our peoples have the opportunity to fight poverty, to achieve better development in the economic order, justice, solidarity, those are the principles that have brought us together here in Nicaragua these days,” the president said.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in TeleSurTV