Activists call for new protests against Minera Panamá

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By Equipo editorial

The social organization Alianza Pueblo Unido por la Vida announced on Wednesday new protests and demonstrations in Panama to demand the departure of the country from the company Minera Panama, which causes environmental damage and undermines sovereignty.

One of the spokespersons of the collective, Jorge Guzmán, considered as disrespecting Panamanians the announcement of a program of visits to the copper mine of Donoso, in the province of Columbus to corroborate the plan to close the project of the subsidiary of the subsidiary of the Canadian transnational First Quantum.

The representative of the United People for Life Alliance stated that the mining company, in complicity with the Government, should comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling of last November, which declared an agreement signed with the State unconstitutional.

The collective said that among the main mobilizations, a rally is expected on February 28 in front of the Attorney General’s Office and a day later before the Supreme Court of Justice to demand that they assert the judicial decision decreeing the illegal presence of the mining company in the country.

Members of the social organizations will also march towards the headquarters of the presidency of Panama on March 12, to demand concrete action against the mining project.

As it transcended on Wednesday, the Ministry of Trade and Industries (MICI) called on the company’s managers on Thursday to explain the program of visits of the population to the copper mine of Donoso.

The Panamanian institution expects Minera Panama, a subsidiary of the Canadian transnational First Quantum to report on the visitation program, when it should deal with the end of the mine’s operations.

Recent reports from the Environmental Incidence Center (CIAM) indicate the existing pollution hazards in Minera Panama, which have not been revealed by the Panamanian government.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in TeleSurTV