Transparnecy Intl condemns threats and attacks by Honduran Govt against local chapter 

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By Equipo editorial

The director of the Association for a Fairer Society (ASJ), denounced this Thursday that he has been the victim of death threats

The organization Transparency International (TI), based in Germany, condemned the attacks and menaces of its chapter in Honduras, the Association for a Fairer Society (ASJ), following the publication of the Corruption Perception Index (IPC).

It is unacceptable for civil society organizations to face intimidation and reprisals for their legitimate defense of rights and transparency, IT reproached.

Should the government stop defaming organizations such as Tl and ASJ and allow critical voices to point out the government’s shortcomings in the fight against corruption. Only this will lead to a more transparent and accountable society, he said.

Carlos Hernández, director of ASJ, denounced that he is the victim of death threats. “We regret the threats, the promotion of hatred on the part of the Honduran government, it is disproportionate to use almost the entire state against a civil society organization that has done is to disseminate a report,” he said.

He assured that there is fear that these types of civil society institutions can close, as is the matter in Nicaragua. Is there fear, and not just us. We never imagined that they will threaten directly, he said.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Heraldo