Guatemalan economy Back on Course After Recent Political Turmoil, says central bank

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By Equipo editorial

The monetary authorities consider that with the swearing-in of President Bernardo Arévalo, the confidence of economic agents is restored and the forecasts are confirmed.

The authorities of the Bank of Guatemala (Banguat) said that the political crisis has already been overcome with the inauguration of President Bernardo Arévalo, Vice President Karin Herrera, her government cabinet and municipal corporations, on Sunday, January 14.

During the forum Global Economic Panorama, closing 2023 and prospects 2024, held yesterday by the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala (CIG), the president of the central bank, Álvaro González Ricci, presented the main macroeconomic variables that receive the new authorities, which remain positive.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Prensa LIbre