Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab Returns Home After 3 Years in US Prison

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By Equipo editorial

Several personalities around the world have spoken out to celebrate the release of diplomat Alex Saab, information confirmed Wednesday by the Venezuelan government in a statement.

Through his account on the social network X (formerly Twitter), the Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Eáñez, shared the statement in which it is emphasized that “the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela welcomes with joy the release and return to its homeland of our diplomat Alex Saab, who until now was unjustly kidnapped in an American prison.”

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry had previously denounced the illegal detention of the diplomat Saab in Cape Verde on 12 June 2020, as well as his transfer to the United States (USA), on October 16, 2021, stating that these were “acts of criminalization against all the Venezuelan people, through the violation of human rights and international law.”

Venezuela’s vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, said it was a “blunt triumph of Bolivarian diplomacy that rescued a diplomatic aplomb, Alex Saab, unjustly detained in the U.S. and a victim of DD.H. rape.”

Venezuela’s Deputy Minister of Anti-Unlock Policies, William Castillo Bollé, used the aforementioned social network to send a message after the news broke.

Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez joined the celebration and said that the release of the diplomat is “the result of the tireless management of the Venezuelan government that ends his unjust detention.”

Nicaragua’s president, Daniel Ortega, spoke after the news and acknowledged the work done by the diplomat to benefit the Venezuelan people.

Iran’s ambassador to Venezuela, Hojat Soltani, stressed that “today our comrade Ambassador Alex Saab returned to the arms of his family and his homeland.”

The sociologist, teacher and communicator, Aníbal Garzón, said in stressing that “a freedom that will be possible thanks to the daily battle of many and many Venezuelans of “FreeAlexSaab.”

In turn, Mexican professor, writer and political analyst Alfredo Jalife-Rahme also issued a message when sharing the Venezuelan government’s statement.

Political scientist Katu Arkonada joined the messages by recalling that “a few days ago in Caracas I signed for the release of Alex Saab.”

The Member of the European Parliament, Manu Pineda, said that “at last, after more than three years of kidnapping, Alex Saab is free in Venezuela. It has been 1,286 days of torture and separation from his family, sick and without access to the necessary medical treatment.”

Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet said the release of the diplomat was a “great victory for President Maduro’s diplomacy.”

Free Movement member Alex Saab, Roi López Rivas, also joined the messages for the release of the Venezuelan diplomat.

The International Association for Human Rights and Social Development sent “congratulations to him, his wife Camilla Fabri and his family. Congratulations to all those who worked for their freedom, especially the “FreeAlexSaabOrg” movement.

Also, the wife of WikiLeaks journalist and founder Julian Assange, Stella Assange, issued a message after the release of the Venezuelan diplomat.

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said that “they released Alex Saab after a long kidnapping by the United States, is already with his family, it has been a good December month for the homeland.”

The rector of the International Communications University of Venezuela, Tania Díaz, shared the statement of the national government and recalled that the diplomat Saab “suffered more than 3 years of kidnapping and illegal imprisonment by the US.”

The first vice president of the National Assembly, Pedro Infante, welcomed the news by stating that “we are a free and dignified people, with a brave and determined president, the truth and justice are on our side.”

The CodePink organization joined the messages in stating that “we are delighted to see Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab return today with his wife and children in Venezuela. Their release shows us the effectiveness of diplomacy and negotiations on war and aggression. Much love for the Saab family and the Venezuelan people.”

The president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, also expressed his satisfaction with Saab’s release, considering that “trump the truth and justice has triumphed.”

“Venezuela is still standing and with dignity; we will continue to pay the way for peace, respect and understanding among all Venezuelans,” Rodriguez said.

President Maduro’s wife, Cilia Flores, expressed in social network X her excitement at “seeing Alex Saab come to the Homeland, walking again in freedom, embracing her family, is a victory of truth, justice and love. He triumphed good over evil. Blessings”.

Following the US complaint of the kidnapping, several organizations have spoken out to demand that the Venezuelan diplomat be released.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in Telesurtv