Commissions Interpretation of Constitution Legislative Schizophrenia

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By Equipo editorial

The Standing Committee of the National Congress and its head Luis Redondo, according to analysts and opposition deputies consulted by EL HERALDO, is falling into severe inconsistencies and legal contradictions by pretending to interpret the Constitution of the Republic at its will.

Once the government failed in its attempt to ratify the Board of Directors, the Commission issued an analysis justifying the election process ahead of time, excusing itself illegal from other legislative periods.

According to article 195 of the Constitution, on 23 January, the deputies will meet at their last preparatory session to elect the directive on property. The rest of the directive will last two years in its functions.

That is to say, the current CN directive should be elected until 23 January, when the exact two years from its imposition in 2022 are met, by 65 votes as provided for in the constitutional text.

These nine deputies are tearing apart the constitutional life of the country, which the Constitution does not say they interpret it without being legally right, said constitutional lawyer Oliver Erazo.

In the opinion of the jurist, the anxiety and abuse of power committed by the Standing Committee – it is harmful and could impact in subsequent years.

For her part, the nationalist deputy María Antonieta Mejía argued that – an interpretation that the Standing Committee makes of the date to elect the Board of Directors is not established, it is far from reality and if they have a];.

That send it to the Supreme Court of Justice.

Claudia Ramírez, a member of the Salvadoran Party of Honduras (PSH), called  Commission’s interpretation of the Commission’s choice to elect the directive as a legislative schizophrenia.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in EL Heraldo