Peru’s Former president Alberto Fujimori released from jail

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By Equipo editorial

In an unappealable ruling, the justices restored the pardon they had granted Fujimori in 2017 on humanitarian grounds, which was later overturned by the Supreme Court in 2019.

Peru’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday ordered the “immediate” release of former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, who is serving a 25-year prison sentence for “crimes against humanity” in a special prison in Lima.

“This Constitutional Court orders that the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE) and the Director of the Barbadillo Prison, on the day, provide for the immediate release of the favored, Alberto Fujimori Fujimori,” the court said in the resolution issued to the media.

In a final ruling, the justices restored the pardon they had granted Fujimori in 2017 on humanitarian grounds, which was later overturned by the Supreme Court in 2019.

At 85, Fujimori suffers from various health problems, including linguistic cancer, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary ailment and hypertension.

Fujimori has been serving a sentence for “crimes against humanity” in the Barbadillo prison, a small prison for former presidents in eastern Lima, for the death of 25 people in two massacres perpetrated in 1991-1992 by an army squadron.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared in El Salvador