Ortega and CCP sign Memorandum of Cooperation

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By Equipo editorial

A few days after the two-year anniversary of Nicaragua’s official break-up with Taiwan to recognize the principle of a single China, Daniel Ortega’s dictatorship continues to entrench political relations with the Asian giant, through the representation of his son, Laureano Ortega Murillo, who increasingly takes on prominence in pro-partisan and government events. This time with the Chinese Communist Party.

On Saturday, December 2, the dictator’s son acted as special representative of the secretary general of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), that is, of his father, to sign a Memorandum on the exchange and cooperation between the Sandinista party and the Chinese Communist Party, one of the most radical, powerful and authoritarian in the world.

The FSLN is the ruling party in Nicaragua, led by dictator Ortega and his wife and vice president of the country, Rosario Murillo, who is Laureano’s mother.

On the China side, the Memorandum was signed by the deputy minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Li Mingxiang, who led a large visitor delegation to Nicaragua.

The meeting for the subscription of the Memorandum took place in the office of Ortega’s son, where the Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Iván Acosta, the electoral magistrate, Lumberto Campbell, and the secretary general of the Mayor’s Office of Managua, Fidel Moreno, were also present.

Laureano said that the relationship between the two parties is the cornerstone of the continuous development of relations between the two countries, according to Nicaragua’s official media publications.

“We are working to establish interparty cooperation and exchanges, based on the principles of independence and self-determination, complete equality, mutual respect and non-intervention in the internal affairs of one, on the other,” Ortega Murillo said.

Commitments between the FSLN and the Chinese Communist Party

The commitments that were made between the FSLN and the Chinese party are the strengthening of exchange and cooperation; they will also deepen strategic communication and mutual political trust; they will actively promote the continued and stable development of relations between Nicaragua and China.

Interchange of delegations will also be held; the exchange of views on relevant issues of the regional and international situation will be initiated in a timely manner; exchange and cooperation in departments, areas of study and policy research, among others, will be strengthened.

Ortega and the Chinese Communist Party Engficie La Prensa Relations

A few days after the two-year anniversary of Nicaragua’s official break-up with Taiwan to recognize the principle of a single China, Daniel Ortega’s continued to swing political relations with the Asian giant, through the representation of his son, Laureano Ortega Murillo, who increasingly takes on prominence in pro-partisan and government events. This time with the Chinese Communist Party.

On Saturday, December 2, the dictator’s are acted as special representative of the general secretary of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which is, of his father, to sign a memorandum on the exchange and cooperation between the Sandinista party and the Chinese Communist Party, one of the most radical, and authoritarian in the world.

The FSLN is the ruling party in Nicaragua, led by dictator Ortega and his wife and vice president of the country, Rosario Murillo, who is Laureano’s mother.

On the China side, the Memorandum was signed by the deputy minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, Li Mingxiang, who led a large visitor delegation to Nicaragua.

Left, the Nicaraguan delegation headed by the son of dictator Daniel Ortega, Laureano Ortega Murillo, and on the right side, the Chinese delegation. Photo by The 19th Digital

The meeting for the subscription of the memorandum took place in the office of Ortega’s are, where the Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Ivan Acosta, the election, Lumberto Campbell, and the general secretary of the Mayor’s Office of Managua, Fidel Moreno, were also present.

Laureano said the relationship between the two parties is the cornerstone of the continued development of relations between the two countries, according to Nicaragua’s official media publications.

“We are working to establish interparty cooperation and exchanges, based on the principles of independence and self-determination, complete equality, mutual respect and non-intervention in the internal affairs of one, on the other,” Ortega Murillo said.

Commitments between the FSLN and the Chinese Communist Party

The commitments that were made between the FSLN and the Chinese party is the strengthening of exchange and cooperation; they will also deepen strategic communication and mutual political trust; they will actively promote the continued and stable development of relations between Nicaragua and China.

Interchange of delegations will also be held; the exchange of views on relevant issues of the regional and international situation will be initiated in a timely manner; exchange and cooperation in departments, areas of study and policy research, among others, will be strengthened.

Friendly exchange between mass, trade unions, youth and women ' s organizations, exchanges on governance experiences, the party and the State, will be encouraged and promoted, especially on party-building, economic development, poverty alleviation, social management, environmental protection, in order to raise the capacity and level of governance and administration of the respective parties and states.

Both parties pledged that every year the Chinese side will invite FSLN leaders to visit China and, we the FSLN, will invite China to send delegations to visit our country as well, Laureano said.

Ideological relationship

This exchange between the Sandinista Front and the Chinese Communist Party reinforces the approaches of Nicaraguan opponents and analysts, who have pointed out that Ortega’s interest in strengthening relations with China is due to an ideological and provocative decision to the United States.

Opponents constantly point out that the Ortega regime seeks alliances with socialist countries, with whom it shares authoritarian practices, which do not provide any significant investment for Nicaragua, while attacking its main trading partner that is the United States.

Last November, the Nicaraguan National Assembly ratified the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, which will enter into force in 2024.

In recent months, the Ortega Murillo regime has highlighted the arrival of Chinese buses in Nicaragua, which is buying from a Chinese company as part of its commercial relations.

In 2022, China donated nearly a million vaccines against Covid-19 to Nicaragua, and handed over protective equipment to the police, the regime’s oppressive arm. They have also signed agreements between their media.

Another agreement signed at the beginning of the relations is the housing construction program that Beijing will promote and that is expected to benefit residents of 84 municipalities in the country.

This article has been translated from the original which first appeared on La Prensa